

Do you want to know how the trim method works in jQuery? Today is lucky day.


The other day I was re-watching (haha, learning through repetition) "11 More Things I Learned from the jQuery Source" and this time I was quite amazed when Paul Irish talked about parseJSON. And the reason was the way jQuery makes the JSON object, it's clever, it's very clever.

Beware of Assholes

What is an asshole?

  • Someone who either intentionally or unintentionally infuriates/demeans/damages their peers/superiors/underlings.
  • There are two flavors: Temporary and Certified assholes. A temporary asshole is someone who is probably having a bad day or a bad moment. Certified assholes are persistently nasty and destructive jerks.

HTMLCollections & NodeLists

Most of us believed, at least for some time, that in our DOM Scripting, we always dealt with arrays in our JavaScript:

var myLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); // we have three links

myLinks.length; // "3"